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The 5th China Geodesy and Geophysics Academic Conference was held at Wuhan University

来源:    时间 : 2023-04-23     阅读:

On April 22nd, in order to strengthen our understanding of geodesy and geophysics, summarize the latest progress and achievements in theory, technology, and application of related disciplines, and promote technological exchange, the 5th Conference of China Geodesy and Geophysics (5th CCGG) was held at Wuhan University, The theme is "Earth System Sciences and Large River Sustainable Development".

The conference was hosted by the Chinese National Committee for International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (CNC-IUGG) of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, and hosted by Wuhan University. It attracted over 3900 experts, scholars, and students from hundreds of universities, research institutes, and other units in 32 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, and special administrative regions across the country, including some foreign experts Student representatives attend the meeting.



The opening ceremony was presided over by Researcher Dang Yamin, Secretary General of the Central Committee of IUGG (CNC-IUGG). Speech by Luo Hui, member of the Party Group of the China Association for Science and Technology and Minister of the International Cooperation Department. She introduced the composition and development process of the conference, and proposed three initiatives: firstly, to promote international exchange and cooperation with more open thinking and measures, contribute more Chinese solutions and experiences to sustainable development in the world, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind; Secondly, promote the formation of an open and inclusive attitude, gather advantageous resources on a larger scale, and promote the global flow of technological innovation elements; Thirdly, we must adhere to the principle of technology for the good, respect scientific mechanisms, practice scientific ethics, and enable technology to better enhance human well-being.


Wu Jun, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology, delivered a speech on behalf of the provincial government. He stated that Wuhan University has a profound cultural heritage and strong scientific research capabilities. It is one of the earliest higher education institutions in China to start researching geodesy and geophysics, and has achieved multiple landmark scientific research results.


Academician Xia Jun, Chairman of the IUGG China Committee, introduced the theme, organizational structure, achievements, and basic information of the CNC-IUGG conference. He stated that the conference was well planned and achieved rich results, creating a new high in attendance in previous sessions. He hopes to contribute to the development of Earth system science in China, Asia, and even the world through the efforts of experts and scholars, and to promote China's transition from a "geoscientific country" to a "geoscientific powerhouse".


Yu Sheng, Executive Deputy Director of the Earth Science Department of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, thanks Wuhan University and relevant experts and scholars for their support and efforts in the conference and evaluation work. He traced the arduous development process of geodesy and geophysics, affirming the tremendous growth of related disciplines over the past few decades. He emphasized that scientists should make contributions to human civilization and draw a blueprint for the next active development of geodesy and geophysics disciplines.

Professor Kathryn Whaler, the Chairman of IUGG, congratulated the conference through a video. She introduced the basic situation of IUGG and stated that the IUGG China Committee (CNC-IUGG) plays an important role in regional and global activities. She emphasized that water is one of the important goals for sustainable development. This conference will study the great rivers from the perspective of earth system science, and looks forward to the contribution of related achievements to promoting the sustainable development of great rivers.


Yu Xiancheng, President of China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association, stated that the China Committee of IUGG (CNC-IUGG) has long been committed to developing China's geophysical science, strengthening exchanges and cooperation with relevant international scientific organizations, and promoting China's geophysical research achievements. In recent years, the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association and the IUGG China Committee (CNC-IUGG) have cooperated closely and jointly created good work results. I hope to deepen academic exchanges through this conference, promote the sharing of satellite data, and upgrade the structure of satellite application teams, so as to solidly and effectively promote the progress of global satellite navigation systems.


Academician Zhang Pingwen, President of Wuhan University, stated that the disciplines of geophysics and surveying and mapping, as traditional advantageous disciplines of Wuhan University, have an international first-class level. At the intersection of the global information technology revolution and China's digital development, the school will take this grand event as an opportunity to further strengthen the top-level planning of discipline layout, optimize resource allocation, highlight distinctive advantages, and support the high-quality development of related disciplines such as geodesy and geophysics.

Academician Dou Xiankang, Minister Luo Hui, Academician Zhang Pingwen, Academician Xia Jun, and Academician Yang Yuanxi presented awards to the 10 young scholars who were awarded the "Excellent Youth Thesis".

Academician Dou Xiankang gave a keynote speech titled "Application of Earth Science Single Photon Detection Technology in LiDAR". He conducted in-depth discussions on the challenges of obtaining high temporal and spatial resolution atmospheric detection capabilities and expanding the observation range of neutral atmospheric lidar using atmospheric laser remote sensing technology, including infrared single photon precision detection technology, helium fluorescence precision detection technology, and spaceborne atmospheric laser detection technology. Propose goals and prospects for the future development of single photon detection technology, and propose the development of practical, stable, and miniaturized payload technology, breaking through key technologies such as the overall technology of spaceborne composite wind measurement radar, solving the problem of global and planetary atmospheric high spatiotemporal resolution wind field detection, and serving the strategic needs of deep space and aerospace in countries.

Academician Fu Bojie delivered a keynote speech titled "Geography and Sustainable Development". He conducted in-depth exploration on the new era of geography and proposed that geography has developed a series of holistic and humanistic research methods to study the relationship between nature and society, which can provide theoretical and methodological support for studying the impact of natural and socio-economic patterns on sustainability. He proposed new theories and methods that geography can play an important role in sustainable development at both regional and global scales.

Professor Chris Rizos, the interim chairman of IUGG, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Increasing the Visibility of the Geosciences: Some ideas from a Geodesy Perspective", introducing the history and current situation of IUGG development, and proposing that IUGG should actively participate in assisting in addressing major international issues such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Sendai Disaster Reduction Framework, and geospatial information management. He takes the application of GNSS technology as an example and proposes that IUGG should not only demonstrate the important role and value of Earth science in scientific research, but also in economic, social, environmental, and national security aspects, in order to enhance the influence of Earth science.

Academician Zhang Jianyun delivered a thematic report titled "Protection and Development from the Construction of the Golden Waterway". He conducted in-depth research and exploration on the ecological protection, efficient utilization of deep-water waterways, and coordinated protection of finless porpoises in the 12.5 meter deep-water waterway project below Nanjing. He explored how to correctly grasp the relationship between ecological environment protection and economic development, and achieve coordinated promotion of ecological protection and economic development in the Yangtze River Basin, in order to solve the environmental pollution and habitat damage caused by the development of the Yangtze River Ecological degradation and other issues provide new ideas and methods.

Academician Wu Fuyuan gave a keynote speech titled "Tethys Geodynamics". He introduced the major research project of the Tethys Earth Dynamics System, analyzing the distribution and formation patterns of important mineral resources and energy in the region. He elaborated on the important technological progress of the Tethys work plan and proposed future development plans such as comprehensive integration and interdisciplinary research, and tackling major scientific problems; At the same time, efforts have been made to strengthen research and development around the proposed technological tasks, and ideas and suggestions have been put forward for creating new theories or Chinese schools of thought for the evolution of Tethys.

The conference also showcased the latest progress and achievements of the eight disciplines of IUGG in theory, technology, and application through over 500 exhibition board reports and over 800 sub conference reports, effectively promoting technological exchanges in related fields.

It is reported that the China Committee of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics was established in 1979 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. It is dedicated to geoscience research, aiming to promote and coordinate the Earth and its environmental research in interstellar space, promote domestic and international cooperation in geodesy, geophysics and related geosciences, and focus on serving the needs of social development with the knowledge acquired by the research institute.

The China Academic Conference on Geodesy and Geophysics was initiated by the China Committee of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in 2014 and is held every two years. Its aim is to develop into an influential international academic exchange conference on Earth system science, promote the development of CNC-IUGG, and combine with the "Future Earth" program initiated by the International Council for Science (ICSU), We have made contributions in promoting the joint participation of scientists from the Central Committee in the Four Major Plans. The conference focuses on interdisciplinary development, which helps to achieve China's transition from a "geoscientific country" to a "geoscientific powerhouse", and provides a platform for Chinese geoscientists to communicate, exchange, and cooperate with top international researchers in related fields.

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