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The 2023 Intelligent Remote Sensing Innovation and Application Conference in the Era of Large Models was held in Wuhan

来源:    时间 : 2023-12-26     阅读:

On December 26th, the 2023 annual meeting of the Intelligent Remote Sensing Open Source Ecological Alliance was held at Wuhan University. The conference is themed "Innovation and Application of Intelligent Remote Sensing in the Era of Large Models", aiming to explore industry application practices and cutting-edge research topics in the field of remote sensing, and promote the upgrading of the intelligent remote sensing industry.

Group photo of the 2023 meeting of the Intelligent Remote Sensing Open Source Ecological Alliance

The conference is hosted by the Intelligent Remote Sensing Open Source Ecological Alliance (Remote Sensing Intelligent Computing and Open Source Application Branch of the China Remote Sensing Application Association), jointly organized by Wuhan University, Hubei Luojia Laboratory, Wuhan Artificial Intelligence Computing Center, Huawei Technology Co., Ltd., and co organized by the MindSpore Open Source Community. At the meeting, a new generation of remote sensing intelligent interpretation, training and promotion integrated platform - Luojia. SmartSensing platform was released. Academicians, experts, scholars, industry experts, and representatives of alliance units from both domestic and foreign countries jointly discussed the new future of the remote sensing industry. Hu Xiangyun, Secretary General of the Alliance and Professor at Wuhan University and Hubei Luojia Laboratory, presided over the meeting.

Gong Jianya, an academician of the CAS Member, chairman of the Alliance, chief scientist of Hubei Luojia Laboratory, and professor of Wuhan University, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He said: the rapid development of the artificial intelligence industry is accelerating the iteration and application of large models. All industries should attach importance to open source and openness, and hope that all units of the ecological alliance can cooperate to promote the innovation and development of remote sensing technology.


Speech by Academician Jianya Gong

Wei Zheng, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Remote Sensing Application Association, stated in his speech that the main businesses of various industries should be integrated with corresponding intelligent ecosystems, better integrating remote sensing and spatial information technology data in the business field, and forming systematic, integrated, and intelligent service models and solutions.

Professor Ke Tao, Dean of the Advanced Technology Research Institute and Vice Dean of the Science and Technology Development Research Institute at Wuhan University, and Deputy Director of the Hubei Luojia Laboratory, stated in his speech that in the wave of large-scale models, the integration of artificial intelligence and remote sensing will bring about innovation in remote sensing related technologies. He hopes that academic and industry experts can jointly explore a new path for intelligent remote sensing from scientific research innovation to industrial implementation, and build a new paradigm for industry university research cooperation.

Speech by Vice Chairman Zheng Wei


Speech by Dean Tao Ke

In the theme report segment, Wang Jinqiao, Executive Deputy Director of the "Zidong Taichu" Large Model Research Center at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and President of Wuhan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, shared the practice of creating the Zidong Taichu 2.0 large model based on the Shengteng Atlas series hardware and the Shengsi MindSpore AI framework. Zhou Shengkai, R&D Director of Shengsi MindSpore, introduced Shengsi's technological capabilities and ecological progress with the theme of "Shengsi MindSpore Big Model Enabling Technology and Development Practice". Zhang Mi, Associate Researcher at Wuhan University and Hubei Luojia Laboratory, introduced the progress of the "Luojia. Inspiration" platform.

Jinqiao Wang , Executive Vice Director, gave a keynote speech

Director Shengkai Zhou gives a keynote speech

Associate Researcher Mi Zhang gives a keynote speech

In the achievement release stage, Academician Jianya Gong, Vice Chairman Zheng Wei, Senior Director of Huawei IT Infrastructure Integration Business Department Ji Yingying, and Deputy Director of Hubei Luojia Laboratory Jin Taoyong jointly released the new generation of remote sensing intelligent interpretation training and promotion integrated platform - Luojia. SmartSensing platform. This platform is jointly developed by Wuhan University, Hubei Luojia Laboratory, and Huawei. It utilizes the ModelMate model to enable pipeline and FAE operation toolchain, establish middleware for computing power scheduling, deployment, and monitoring, and integrate the most advanced remote sensing human-machine interaction design concept. The platform supports the full process interpretation from static terrain to dynamic video targets, while providing a minimalist installation and out of the box model, providing the industry with many open-source solutions Open models effectively support scientific research and teaching practices in the field of remote sensing, and contribute to the prosperity of the remote sensing AI industry ecosystem.


In the special report segment, Professor Le Peng, Vice Dean of the School of Remote Sensing Information Engineering at Wuhan University, introduced the relevant practices of cross lingual data preparation in the field of remote sensing. Industry representatives such as Dr. Lu Hao from the Chaotu Research Institute, Vice General Manager of Wuhan Handari, Yi Xuewu, Product Manager of Zhongke Xingtu, Zhao Sijia, and Senior Algorithm Researcher of Aerospace Hongtu, Liu Guozhang, based on the innovative achievements of the alliance, started from practical scenarios, I shared the application and practical cases of large-scale models in remote sensing and related fields.

Professor peng Le

Dr.  Hao Lu

Manager Xuewu Yi

Manager Sijia Zhao

Researcher Guozhang Liu

It is reported that the "Intelligent Remote Sensing Open Source Ecological Alliance" was established by Wuhan University and Huawei. Since its establishment in December 2021, it has attracted more than 40 enterprises, universities, and research institutes from the field of intelligent remote sensing, including Wuhan Artificial Intelligence Computing Center, Aerospace Hongtu, Handa Rui, and Chaotu Software. Each member unit of the alliance revolves around Wuhan The innovative achievements of alliances such as LuoJiaNET/LuoJiaSET have been integrated with their own business innovation, incubating a series of scenario based industry applications, effectively promoting the transformation and landing of technological achievements.

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