Team News
"Qimingxing" has been in the sky for half a year and is about to give birth to "a picture"; LuoJia's "Gemini" is online, hoping to weave a "web".On September 5th, at the Luojia Laboratory in Hubei Province, when it comes to technological innovation, professors Jin Guang and Hu Xiangyun told Hubei Daily reporters that "the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is to tackle." They are respectively ...
As remote sensing images gradually becomeAn essential information resource in daily lifeDo you process images for the computerWorried about low efficiencyDon't worry, LuoJia's "Gemini" is hereLuoJiaNET and LuoJiaSETEnable the computer to process imagesGetting smarter and smarterCome and learn more with Luo LuojiaCan interpret and drawThe world's first remote sensing image intelligent interpretation ...
On January 6th, the National Natural Science Foundation of China's major research program integration project "Construction of Large scale Remote Sensing Image Sample Library and Research on Open Source Remote Sensing Deep Network Framework Model", undertaken by Wuhan University, released the world's first intelligent interpretation machine learning framework for remote sensing images, LuoJiaNET, and ...
On December 18, 2021, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China organized the "National New Generation Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Pilot Work Promotion Symposium" and the 2021 East Lake International Artificial Intelligence Summit Forum with the theme of "Intelligence Leading Innovation in the Future" in Wuhan. At the symposium, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry ...